
Yangtze River Tours: Yichang Regulates Three Gorges Tour

December 24, units from the Yichang station dam trip evaluation meeting was informed that the next five years, targeting the Three Gorges Dam will be developed as "the unique yangtze river tours scenery, good ecological, economic prosperity, functional coordination, social harmony," the world-class water tourist spots, to create "three-center three areas." "Three areas", namely: to match with the Three Gorges Project, the Three Gorges Dam to create a high level of tourist attractions and amenities, a beautiful landscape construction, water and electricity facilities, top tourist spots of the world; to protect the ecological environment and optimize the Three Gorges dam, the Three Gorges scenery and hub of the Three Gorges Project Harmony, the unique charm of oriental human ecology model new city; promote self-reliance, the spirit of scaling the heights of the Three Gorges hydropower technology and the highest achievements of the contemporary world, building an international water research, education, production and operation management integration pilot demonstration area. "Three-center" that is: with reference to the "Boao" mode, the establishment of the Three Gorges Environment Forum, a forum for the leading economic development conference, building, China travel tours an international brand exhibition center; full dam port shoreline resources, to expand the effectiveness of transit logistics, the logistics industry, the Three Gorges area of ​​logistics centers; to reduce and control geological disasters in Three Gorges, the Three Gorges Geological Disaster research, prevention, emergency response centers.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Yangtze River Tours: Tour Souvenirs of Jiangsu

Orderly organization of activities, geographical characteristics of the exhibition is full of design, clever and superb live shows, stunning both artistic, practical, market-oriented types of travel products, travel products to Jiangsu in the current Fair shine . Reporters learned China travel tours from the Expo site, in the 2011 competition in China's tourism products, Jiangsu's "cigarette case engraved with flowers stay green bamboo Changzhou Series" won the Gold Award, the "Nanjing stone products" and "works of Wuxi, Yixing Series: Reflection of the Moon, etc." Bronze, an award-winning up to one of the provinces.The fair, in all parts of Jiangsu, is offering their most unique, most classic of travel products. Reporters found that the definition of these products has become increasingly blurred between the traditional and innovative blend, master and private exchanges of a trend.

To this award-winning "cigarette case engraved bamboo bird Changzhou stay Series", for example, which is retained a thin layer of green bamboo carving patterns Yun complex handicrafts, made ​​of a single display if the display items, it appeared that the lack of tourist goods functions and features. To this end, the producers thought the only convenient and practical, affordable product, no market can be called good China tour packages works. So, stay green bamboo engraved business card is cleverly designed frame, card and cigarette case. As a derivative, Changzhou will be chaos embroidery, carved and bamboo house stay grate to form comb name "Sambo" to develop a small random stitch embroidery, and integration with the other two treasures packaging not only reduces the time cost than in the past 70%, and the price is greatly reduced.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Buying Specialities in Huangshan during Group

Ham, steamed bamboo clothing: thin slices of ham with a thin stem with steamed bamboo clothing can be incense. The price generally between $ 20-30, most of the restaurant logo, restaurant Huangshan soil are sold.Pickles tofu stew: my favorite hometown dishes. With pickled vegetables China group tour along with fresh white bean curd stew, add a little pepper seeds children, very well with rice. The price is not expensive, usually between 15-20 dollars, basically there's any restaurant.Small mandarin fish: small mandarin fish meat is very tender, there are several approaches, steamed, braised, etc., the price does not necessarily have to look to the weight of it. Larger restaurants there will be a small hotel may not be.

Laba tofu: tofu Yixian County Laba, looks very ordinary, but the taste is very fragrant. Laba tofu cut into the wire, wire for fried green peppers, or shredded pork, the taste is like, and silk tofu with pork Laba chewing awkward. Yixian County.All hotels will have it.Huizhou hair tofu: Remember, this is not stinky! Mainly eat fried, the outer coating layer of sauce, which is very fresh to say. Basically, every hair tofu hotel will do it. specialty restaurants (on the recommendation of several eaten it, mainly in Tunxi and Yixian County of) Street on the first floor: the entrance is located in Tunxi Old Street, inside the dining environment be the best small group China tours piece of the streets, inside antique, but more expensive Oh, I was in high school that only eat a few years back. Mainly Anhui cuisine. Food people: with the Street is next to the first floor, and high school together come here often, affordable, and had previously been at the counter looked like a la carte dishes, and do not know that there are no changes. Where a small snack varieties particularly suitable for little girls to go with, Oh! Dining environment is also good. The main provider of Anhui, a small snack.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Group Tour with Friends to China Sanya

Nanshan: strong recommendation, although they are not Buddhist, but the sea Nanshan Guanyin was shocked! Spectacular, carved vivid! You look like you Guanyin feel his smile! Very shocking! Believe it or not either! Worth a visit! Nanshan scenery is not bad, giving the prime scenic Zhaifan general! With a China group tour large dining hall is, this Dayton grab ah! Ecological Park: Sanya has several ecological parks, botanical gardens where are good, as a northerner, looking more novel! Many have not seen the plant, as well as the startling fruit pear peach! the East China Sea: Beach for free! Convenient, recommended!
8, the first seafood market: Sanya everywhere Duanjinshaoliang, the first market a variety of fruits and seafood, everything, if the proposal with a spring balance avoiding Duanjinshaoliang. Front of the food stalls on the market can be processed seafood, fresh and delicious! 5 dollars a pound processing fee! tour guide recommended to buy Crystal: Crystal factories, though, you buy a meal, but came back after  small group China tours consulting a bit, only to find overpaid a lot!  Finally, sum up, the proposed young friends can do their homework in advance, will be a good family beach hotels, Tours Sanya! Which want to have a car or urban attractions in the local newspaper group day trip will probably around $ 200 per person, so live last week at the beach, stroll the market every day, eat a variety of fruits and seafood, wash also bath! To a few good spots! Very nice holiday too! With the tour itinerary is very tight! Play this beauty. For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Shouguang Wetland was Listed as China National Level

the provincial Housing Department issued "on the granting of China (Jinan) International Project 2010 Garden Expo and other Habitat Environment Award, Shandong notification", Shouguang 2A level tourist attractions riparian wetland Bangshangyouming.

Shouguang riparian China vacation wetland area of 71 square meters, Park Mi-flowing river system to rely on, while retaining the original style based on the terrain, with the approach of the original garden ponds, floodplain alterations, which built a 28 bridges, 36 islands and lotus pools Liu WIND rhyme, Autumn cloud water, reed area in the three major language butterfly, and was accompanied by 860 m of the boardwalk, planting famous places to visit in China a variety of different forms of aquatic plants, rendering of a long day of clear water, flowers of the natural picture. Riparian wetland area not only improved the ecological environment of Shouguang city, but also for Shouguang public recreation, entertainment, tourism provides a good place.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China International Anyang Forest Hill Paragliding

Closing ceremony, the staff read the Second China International Anyang Forest Hill Paragliding Open the filter and the Third Asian Paragliding Championship test event, the national skydiving championship, the first national tournament helicopter, model airplane enthusiasts nationwide in 2011 small group China tours Series (Anyang Station) and the Fifth "high security Cup" model airplane amateur Grand Prix total score. Attended the closing ceremony of the leadership to sponsor awards.

Air Travel section of this movement in our joint efforts, do have a grand, exciting, safe, smooth, specifications may be raised, the organization more standardized, exciting grand opening, order more orderly, clear leading role, first-class level, first-class pulled off the first-class event group tours to China services. From around the world nearly 600 athletes took part in competitions and performances, participate in air sports competitions for athletes, coaches, referees and match the size of a record high. There are hundreds of thousands of spectators watched the competitions and performances, dozens of Chinese and foreign media have reported this event in the international and domestic caused great repercussions. CPPCC vice chairman Zheng, Ninth, Tenth CPPCC National Committee Vice Chairman Zhang Siqing "China • Anyang - Air sports capital," the opening, marking the official airline sports capital settled in Anyang.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Best Tour Hotels

Fourth China Travel Awards and China group tour recently announced, Westin Hotel in Tianjin, a number of star hotels in dazzling, won the "2011 Award for Best Hotel in Northern China."
According to reports, China's top tourism award called the industry awards, only 20 years, the Asia-Pacific region's most outstanding travel agency in order to honor, and the Asia-Pacific region has become the most popular, most influential brands. China Travel Awards contest this open, transparent, fair, experts from the business, professional, media, arts groups and other professional judges, small group China tours which lasted five months, final vote by the millions of users produce winning results.
Tianjin Westin Hotel opened in February, 2010 since the start of repeated success, was awarded the 2010 China top ten most popular newly opened Hotel Golden Pillow Award, the most elite business travelers welcome the new hotels and many other award-winning. For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


College Students Group Tour Hangzhou

By the Hangzhou Tourism Committee and other units of the "love Hangzhou" - 2011 China Hangzhou University Tourism Festival, on the morning of June 9, held in Hangzhou, a press conference and ceremony. Hangzhou Tourism Festival with the current students and current hot topics of local characteristics, has launched the "I swim with my parents in Hangzhou" - the national assembly 10 University students in the China group tour school family day trip to Hangzhou, "found in Hangzhou" - photography contest, "Fun Hangzhou "- Travel Guide contest creativity," Hangzhou elements "- creative poster design competition series creative activities, and the activities of large objects from Hangzhou last year extended to students in colleges and universities across the nation, attracting students from around the country to participate activities, attention Hangzhou, Hangzhou love.
In order to better help students in colleges and universities all over the country this younger age groups, enhance their understanding of the Hangzhou, familiarity, stimulate their ardent love of Hangzhou, Hangzhou city efforts to promote the brand image and tourism. Joint Mission City Municipal small group China tours Tourism Committee, the Education Bureau, Hangzhou newspaper group and other departments to organize the second year university student in Hangzhou Tourism Festival. Hangzhou University Tourism Festival 2010 took the first four months, attracted 48 colleges and universities where the Hang nearly 50 million college students the attention and enthusiasm to participate, 117 central, provincial and municipal media had widely reported the event. Hangzhou city image and tourism brands in the younger age groups in a very successful showcase and marketing, but also for Hangzhou to explore a brand new mode of urban travel.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Travel by Chengdu High-speed Train with Group of Friends

From June 10 onwards, the highest attendance in the southwest moving car moving car Chengdu, Chengdu railway sector will be implemented similar to the airline's membership card, China group tour respectively, Diamond, Platinum, Gold level, individuals and businesses can handle.

Chengdu Railway Bureau, this card can take 10 second seat Chengdu motor car, and enjoy exclusive station waiting room, free tea, hand to guide and other services, the most convenient, members only need to call customer service ticket phone, staff will need to be under the passenger ticket book is good, small group China tours passenger car directly to the station for the tickets, the tickets after the passenger's membership card will be charged one time, all of the travel card, the number of detained after, you can recharge again.

At the same time, many convenience measures will also be launched. From July 1, Chengdu Railway Bureau will launch "Rail travel into integrated services network", on this site, visitors can check the trips, I vote, you can also order tickets directly online. In addition, mobile ticketing will be introduced in parallel.
Reporters  group tours to China also learned that the East Railway Station of Chengdu, only 8 pairs of trains originating stop, starting from July 1, Chengdu East Railway Station will be a wide range of operational, Chengdu motor car will be officially moved to East Point; while the opening line from Chengdu to Mianyang similar to the double-rail transit train, 7 train every day.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall Private Tour

December 13, 2007, Japanese invaders in Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall expansion project will be completed. By then, than the original museum to expand nearly 3 times the area of ​​100 acres of memorial will be officially opened.
     Whether it is stirring sculpture, exhibition hall or great room layout ingenuity, Jiangdongmen Memorial Museum revealed the new calm sad, silent and solemn. China group tour Although the memorial has not been ringing the west side of the alarm, but some kind of body count, if the low whine in the ears out. Reporters standing on the square covered with memorial stones were memorial sculpture of the new museum, the facade, the atmosphere created by the spatial layout shocked: learning of the past!
     Reporters learned that Jiangdongmen Memorial Museum in the new at 12:00 on December 13 free, 12 before the new museum will be closed to hold memorial ceremony and the completion ceremony.  small group China tours Official said, because many visitors are expected opening day, the day will control the number of batches into the visiting crowd.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Sakura along Yangtze River in Wuhan University

Back in early March, he and his wife talk to Wuhan has long been known to see the cherry blossoms, East Star Airlines set fares are very cheap, but unfortunately soon China travel tours closed down, and eventually to "use the service," Southern. 27 morning, the bumps in the air, less than a half hour to Wuhan Tianhe Airport. Airport bus frequency are more easily find a seat, the distance to the bus terminal near Wuchang Fujiapo, 40 minutes to go, and actually charge 30 to the ocean. Fujiapo Wuluo terminal in the road, a relatively busy road, away from the South to 3 minutes. Simply in the South of "the Ministry of Lane Cafe" eat lunch, the general feeling. Wuhan has been raining since, listening to local people that are flowering cherry is late, and suggested that we go early, so they found in the South to "Luo Gassan" bus. The car, glancing across the street on the "Wuhan National University," the plaque, and has been walking along the campus road, you can reach the Cherry Avenue, cherry pink color, white, purple, bloom is not too pretty , was blown a lot of wind and rain. We scurry inside, and occasionally a small stone into the China tour packages road and found where the cherry blossoms still beautiful. Along the road straight ahead, one will find the famous old-line library and dormitory building, there is a popular place for cherry blossoms, you can not miss it! As a large force near East Lake, we read cherry, toward the "Limbo door" way to go, a "Limbo door" to see the famous Wuhan "Tobu big cherry Lake", the lake is very spacious, endless, and the sea plane is no different. At that time it rains, standing lake that is cold, lack of time, they turn the lake a bit, wait until tomorrow to see the style come back.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Dunhuang Small Group Tour

Today in degrees: 12 per breakfast, parking, 5 yuan, 40 yuan lunch, Tiantai 50 tickets (the same way Booking), parking 5 yuan, 110 yuan dinner (large pot of ancient house, cheap, china group tour we ordered more, no After, three people can eat about 70 per well, we do not know ah !!!), therefore a waste of 16 per taxi (2), 100 accommodation, snacks 20 yuan, total: 358.

June 6, because this return, the roads are already familiar with, so decided to sleep a little longer, 10 o'clock to get up, clean up was finished, return to drive out, the first museum open to the street, a noodle (forgot the name) per person to eat a bowl of Noodle bowl, super delicious, it is recommended, (seems to be in place near Baoji Steel Pipe Company). Satiate the original way back, all the way very well, small group china tours not long-winded, at 18:48 arrival in Lanzhou, the end of a pleasant trip. Spend the day: eat noodle 15 yuan, 124 yuan toll (a city of Lanzhou, toll 10 million), fuel 200, lunch 50, Sub-total: 389 million. The total travel cost of 1366 yuan, the road mileage of 1,193 km, consuming 68.4 93 # gasoline, the average fuel consumption of about: 5.733 l / hundred kilometers. This is purely due to go relax, not tourist areas and therefore do not bring a camera, no camera, it is noted., For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Urging Red Tour

Shijiazhuang Municipal Bureau of Tourism 6 night revealed that with the "July " is approaching, China's "red is" red tourism Xibaipo increasingly popular, only three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Xibaipo Museum received nearly 9 million visitors. Hebei and Xibaipo is one of the five holy red. May 1948, China vacation Mao Zedong led the CPC Central Committee, People's Liberation Army headquarters moved to here, to make this small village as "liberating all of China's last rural command post. " April 2010, Hebei Province, proposed the building of the "big Xibaipo" strategic objectives.

Press 6 at the scene saw red before the song loud and clear Xibaipo Museum, Henan Normal University, Beijing Fangshan District, schools and more Liulihe Cement famous places to visit in China held in this activity. Memorial Mission Director at the Dragon said, compared with previous years, this year, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shanghai, the team significantly increased, with the advent of July, the number of visitors will reach new heights. For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Brief Introduction to China Silk Road

The ancient Silk Road between Asia and Europe across the channel. The starting point is generally considered to Chang'an (now Xi'an), the fact that it transfer with the change of dynasty change the political center. Chang'an (now Xi'an), Jia Ru Luoyang, Ping Cheng (now Harmony), Bianliang (now Kaifeng), who has for most of Beijing Silk Road starting point. Extends west to Rome. In this long road through the trade of goods in order to produce silk from the most representative of "Silk Road" hence the name. The ancient Silk Road between travel silk road Asia and Europe not only pass on the business road, or the promotion of Asian and European countries and China's friendly exchanges and communication between eastern and western culture the way of friendship. Some well-known historical figures, such as the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian, Toubicongrong of Ban Chao, Buddhist sutras, Xuanzang, and some of their stories on this road.

Since the Western Regions Zhang Qian, China and Central Asia and Europe, the rapid increase of commercial exchanges. Throughout Asia and Europe through this avenue, China silk, tours silk road silk, damask, satin, silk and other silk products, continuously transported to Central Asia and Europe, therefore, Greece, Rome, the country called China Seres, said the human race China Rees people. The so-called "Seres" or "Silk" was intended.  For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Hangzhou Silk Road Museum Tour

See the row of the table by the time schedule, and some small surprise, the morning is the Tiger, West Lake cruise, Santanyinyue, Yue grave in the afternoon with two shopping Hangzhou silk and Longjing tea exhibition, three spots Hangzhou Song Dynasty, Spirit Hidden klippe, travel silk road Yellow Dragon Cave. If it is their own travel, then this top spot at least half a day a time. Especially the Ling Yin, the light of a Temple, you go from the door, has been to the top of His Royal Highness to the new Kegon, even if it is not carefully look at, but burn burn incense every hall worship Buddha, but also at least two Hours, if klippe climbing again, that time is more enough.

Travel agents are indeed able to turn visitors a day to run the place so much, I believe you came home visitors in the pictures the camera will prove true in the day time attractions and shopping are each "a visit" This trip will eventually have some shortcomings, so I put an end to a day trip tours silk road in the Sung Dynasty Village, when the team went down in the Sung Dynasty Village, a destination outside the set time, I told fellow college friends waved goodbye, Stay in the "Give me one day, but also you the Millennium, "the Sung Dynasty Village area, free me and my children travel in a hurry step.small group china tours, group tours to china., For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Trip Itinerery

Global Times, "an editorial said to be alert to some people as an independent candidate to increase social unrest, confrontation with the government, this point of view I'm really flattered. I basically looked at the other independent candidates who publicly suggested that if even what markets, china trip and the sun school buses, garbage disposal, and residential parking spaces and these shoppers, the proposal is considered "against", I can only tell You, in fact, not so many people really want to fight, those who were a bit rebellious, but also just for a living it better.

Li Chengpeng in the blog said: Whether we end up on the ballot, or votes on us, we are a group of enthusiastic and naive citizens, to their own beloved country, ready to tours china hand over this road trip does not go out around the previous Walls, it is itself the credit. Some might say that this is only worth mentioning the credit, but this is who for decades have a credit worth it?, For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Group Tour to China

State AAAA-class tourist attractions, is one of China's four famous Taoist mountain, also called the white mountain. Is located in Huizhou (now Huangshan City) Xiuning at fifteen kilometers west. 585 meters above sea level, a radius of one hundred square kilometers. Territory thirty-six peaks, seventy strange cliffs, among the You Dong, Qu Jian, Bristol Pond, Green Spring, come together to form shengjing. Lung Fu Shan Small Group China Tours Qi Yun and Jiangxi, Hubei, Wudang Mountain, Sichuan, China's four Taoist shrines He Mingshan saying. History of "Huangshan mountain A white South, "said the provincial protection in 1981 as a unit of the State Council announced in 1994, a national key scenic spots.

Water painting - Huizhou national AAAA grade scenic spot, the world's cultural heritage. Hong Village is located in Huizhou (now Huangshan City) County, northwest corner, 65 km from the Tunxi, 11 kilometers away from Yixian County. The village was built in Northern Song Dynasty, dating back almost thousand years of history, the original family name was Wang inhabited land. Ancient Hongcun a machine alone express open "bionic" the first of its kind, planning and construction of which is called "China a must, "the cow-shaped villages and artificial water systems, systems to see the whole village, like a head Fenti the buffalo, Become the "building in the history of a great spectacle. Group Tours to China" Ming and Qing dynasties are well preserved village houses have more than 140 ancient buildings. Unique shape and has a wonderful pastoral Hongcun known as the "Chinese painting villages. "Xidi Village is the most representative of the ancient city of Huangshan scenic spots residential areas, located in the Huangshan Mountain, 54 kilometers away from the Tunxi, Huangshan Scenic Area is only 40 km away from away from the Yixian County, 8 km. The village from east to west 700 meters, 300 meters from north to south, residents of three hundred households with a population more than a thousand. Western edge of the village due to flow of water, mail delivery because of ancient post, hence the name "Xidi", known as "Utopia in the people, "said. , For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


What to Pack to Tour China

Two and a half hours later, while I linger, reluctant to leave. Chen Clan charm inspired me in the future I will also have the opportunity to enjoy these works of art here Guangzhou is one of the most dynamic city, this conclusion I am afraid not many people will object.Yes, the economic dynamic of Guangzhou, Guangzhou is also a vibrant community, but the speed of walking on the streets people can see ... China Travel Tours... So, in terms of efficiency, I think the closest to the Guangzhou people and the Japanese can. Guangzhou may be Japanese but also about the advantages of this, Toyota, Nissan, Guangzhou Honda Three Musketeers are all settled in, although there are industrial transfer is suspected, but after all, the economic development of Guangzhou to do a lot of contributions.

Speaking of the advantages of the Japanese, there are some people who have in Guangzhou, is pragmatic, enterprising and Guangzhou to the thinning of the original friend, as close as brothers, will have a "separation"concept, I would like to use an inappropriate word to describe - parochialism, the vital interests involved, and brotherhood is difficult on the table, only the wife and children are the next of kin, this point of view "foreign wife of local Boy " can be seen, especially in Hong Qi and his wife were A  China Tour Packages Zen Everywhere was smart. This idea is often easy to outsiders as "philistine", is not the case, we think carefully, the clan concept is accompanied by the gradual separation of the continuous development of human history, why? The reason is very simple, because we continue to strengthen the capacity of individual existence, will not be as primitive society, the need for group hunting to survive, and now we see the program when the animal world to see, the original action is a piece of forest animals, and This is because the brain has not developed to the point of independent existence. Why fancy Deng Xiaoping as the core of Guangzhou in Guangdong to the forefront of reform and opening up, say adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, Hainan and Guangxi also considered it, to say the coastal regions, China has 300 kilometers of coastline, I think a very important Cantonese is the value of the pioneering spirit, the pragmatic savvy Cantonese hit on the forefront of reform and opening up is good just to use the knife's edge!For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatours47.blogspot.com/


Best Touring Experience in China

Zhongshan Memorial Hall is a Hall La - # architectural style is very good, however, Chinese and Western ah, that absorbed the essence of ancient Chinese architecture, but also outside of the West such as its double eaves style .. you, Xie Shanding .. (we Building that part of the exam guides have Tours to China memorized it, but I forgot) are second only to the level of the Forbidden City .. Oh the other hand, it was the middle of the top imported by the French outside of the glass mosaic glass in Germany .. Imports .. .. This Gothic-style mashup, multi-Kua ~ ~ ~ Memorial Hall, a small, and it would have read the stage .. which is a modern musical rehearsal, saw glances, really fun .. heard that hundreds of performances each year in Memorial Hall, it ..

Memorial to the end, that is, to restaurants to eat myself, the woman took us to a very ordinary restaurant Oh, were to a large goose, Wenchang Chicken China Trip gradually getting myself .. like a general, and we really could not eat the Han During the meeting, the driver asked me .. the girl is a junior high or high school ah? - # Ha ha ha ...

The general feeling pretty good friends in Guangzhou, I am very satisfied with the food side I just want to come back ... No wonder Cantonese to other areas, particularly in the north eat very accustomed to it, that people can get used to it more fresh Well ah .. , People did not freeze the meat had that said, people that vegetables are very fresh look at nothing if .., are aware that the soy sauce, fried stretch blind Tours to China Hey whistling, too, but the atmosphere on the quality of the urban areas .. Well, did not seem so good I thought, at least not that I am not satisfied with the Tianjin, Guangzhou is a old town ah .. to .. that means it fully and look, or at home is good. If you want to get more news and information, you can click here:  http://onlinechinatours47.blogspot.com/

Impressive Tang Music and Dance

Tang music and dance performances, an ancient music and exciting dance performance is a must when you visit Xi'an. In the city of China tours formerly known as Chang'an has a very long history, and empire in the 13th dynasty capital. Among them, the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) was the most prosperous and all the glory.Tang music and dance performances are an old stable and prosperous society, good index, keeping alive the splendid culture, providing a view into the way of life in peacetime.

As an art form, showing the civil fetes, when people first dance of prayer, as a good harvest or a better life as part of the roots.For thousands of years, dance developed from the simple gesture or gestures, a fine arts reached a peak in the Tang Dynasty. Unlike some other systems, the Tang Dynasty is open to outside influence, and are willing to not only the history of the works in various art forms, but also in northwest China and central and western nations. Therefore, an unusual variety of Oriental musical instruments, many technologies, such as painting, sculpture, design, fashion design, cooking and dining etiquette, dance accepted in China, so as to forms of entertainment, and now the way of the Tang Dynasty Music and dance performances. Through a combination of musical instruments, singing, dancing, stunning costumes are skilled performance poetry, China tour, modern performance of ancient certainly give you a view of China's impressive, including its glorious history, brilliant art, unique traditions and customs. If you want to know more information, please click: http://onlinechinatours47.blogspot.com/