
China travel service: Sichuan Tour Service

Recently, Sichuan Provincial Tourism Bureau has received a letter from the Education Union's letter of commendation Lishui, Zhejiang, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, has organized training group tour Sichuan Sichuan Link. Lin Gu accompanying guide to knowledgeable, warm and generous, versatile, accurate expression, responsive, customer first, integrity-based services to obtain a full regiment of praise. To this end, special visit to the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Association, Gu Lin. Lin Gu impression gentle, yet dignified, never speak to her with a smile, whisper, with his right.
  1, Sichuan Travel Association: Hello, Lin Gu, Sichuan Tourism Association welcomes you to accept an interview. It is understood that you had been the media as "love of beauty smiling tour guide," Would you please share with everyone before you as a tour guide through it.
  Lin Gu: ah, I was to get a tour card in 1997, engaged in the tour so far. Have gone the route include Jiuzhaigou Loop, Mount Emei, Leshan, Sichuan Link, Siguniangshan, Hailuogou, Xiling Snow Mountain, Jianmenguan, Kangding along the five cities in East China, Xiamen, Guangxi, Hainan, Chongqing and so on.
  2, Sichuan Travel Association: do you think of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, the education trade union members of the group to your assessment? And to introduce the mission's situation?
  Gu Lin: That is all my love and praise. I actually still have many deficiencies, in many ways should be studying more. Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, this group is education unions pure play group, Zhejiang Lishui travel tour by the reception we Everbright International Travel Service is responsible for this group, I am honored to become the regiment's accompanying tour. In the seven-day trip also encountered many problems, but in the group's understanding and support of the next one to resolve. Because of conditions along the Qiayu landslides, traffic jams in Kangding, was forced to cancel the tower of public and xinduqiao trip, but the rear section of the Hailuogou, Bifeng travel very well.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Tours China: Tumen River Tour

"2011 Tumen sculpture contest" is held in Tumen city for the first time large-scale sculpture works of art competitions and showcase events. To further carry forward the sculpture culture and promote the development of Yanbian sculpture, sculpture for the majority of artists and enthusiasts a platform to exhibit their work and activities through the sculpture contest game collection of outstanding works, a permanent display at the Tumen River Sculpture Park , the lift charts are the standard of tourism culture and the arts. Sculpture competition for the domestic and international sculpture artists, major institutions, agencies and extensive collection of sculpture, sculpture lovers, brought together more than 140 pieces of sculpture at home and abroad, a panel of experts after the initial evaluation, re-evaluation, the final selection of prize one, two and excellent second prize, 10 winners.

In the future, Tumen City will continue to promote the latter part of the Tumen River Sculpture Park construction, increasing domestic and international sculpture artists classics, perfect service, standardize management, enhance the Tumen City landscape construction, enhance tourism and cultural taste, and effective promotion of culture and tourism combination of depth, and further build a graph are unique cultural tourism brand.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Group Tour: Capital Wetlands

Hebei forestry department, said that by 2010, Zhangjiakou dam area will build three wetland nature reserves, then, as the main water source of Beijing-Tianjin region, the region will play better water conservation, protecting the environment role.

     Beijing Zhangjiakou straight-line distance from the dam area is only 100 kilometers, the distribution of a large number of lakes, rivers and wetlands, known as the "Beijing and Tianjin's water tower." One Guyuan is White River, Black River and the Luan River, the birthplace of the White River, Black River flows into the Miyun Reservoir, Beijing's main reservoir, the Miyun Reservoir annual water accounting for 53% of the total water inflow; Panjiakou Luan rivers flow into the reservoir, a Tianjin Municipal People's the main source of drinking water.

     The new three wetland nature reserves to Angulinao - Huanggainao Wetland Nature Reserve, Chahannao wetland nature reserve and lightning River wetland nature reserves, three Wetland Nature Reserve covers an area of ​​about 110,000 hectares. The growth of protected areas, biological survival of many rare species, there are 60 kinds of migratory birds passing through these areas. In addition, the growth of lake mud Hebei also has endangered lenok.

     Hebei forestry department said that as one of the sources of sandstorms affecting Beijing and an important source of water, the dam area three wetland nature reserve construction, water conservation, sand-fixing and protection of animals such as eco-efficiency will play an important role.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Group Tour: Jiangsu Cartoon Park

Wang Yong Hong Provincial Tourism Bureau Secretary told reporters, fully affirmed the "during" A work of creating the province's tourist attractions made ​​this series of encouraging results. She said that tourist attractions are the basis for the development of tourism, is to promote transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry an important force. The strength of tourist attractions, is related to the province's tourism appeal, influence and competitiveness, is related to the overall situation of the province's tourism development. In the "second five" A record should vigorously promote the work area, to create features that, good quality, effective, environment and scenic beauty brand boutique area.

In discussing how to build a boutique area, the Secretary said Wang Yong-hong next five years, competition in the tourism industry will become more intense, local tourism departments to establish a large tourism resources, and strengthen measures to create A work area as a global focus, open-minded, creative way to promote the area to create work.

To improve traditional area. Tap Wuxi Yuantouzhu, Zhenjiang three Mountain Scenic Area and other traditional 4A scenic potential and strive to go further, creating a high standard 5A level scenic spots. Actively promote a large number of Yangzhou Zhuyuwan 3A area to upgrade again, to the boutique area from high quality area forward and enhance its attractiveness for tourists to provide better service.

New form of tourism development. "1025" period, the integration of tourism development will become a major feature of Jiangsu. With agricultural, industrial, commercial and integrated development of related industries, will grow and develop creative experience of Jiangsu, a large number of digital entertainment and new form of tourism to the development of spa, business purchase, waterfront and a number of new types of tourist attractions, which a record will also further expand the area of the field.

Promote key projects. Area development project is the driving force, "five-second" period, the province plans to build 472 kinds of area projects, construction fund plans to invest 347.5 billion yuan, accounting for the province's total tourism investment 56%. Salt Lake City, Changzhou Orient seventeen major development projects and large Yunshan Han seven priority projects and other 20 high-quality tourist attractions for building support for sustainable development.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Customize Tour: China Net Media Conference

August 3 to 5, to participate in the eighth "Jiangxi China's Internet media," the network media editors and reporters came to the city to carry out interviews. 4 morning, party secretary Li Anze meeting will be attended correspondent, describes the city's economic and social development, and answered questions from reporters. Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Deputy Inspector Qiushang Ren will attend the meeting. Municipal Committee, Publicity Minister Liao Lanfang chair.

Lian Ze In his speech on behalf of the municipal government of the Internet media editors and reporters who extend a warm welcome to people briefed on the city's economic and social development. Lian Ze said, Xinyu is an emerging industrial city. In recent years, through grasping the industry, focus on development of the park, catch the backbone of business, scientific and technological innovation and through human resource, has been basically formed of steel, new energy, and vigorously promote the market and strive to improve urban and rural economic and social development; Xinyu is a rapid rise of the city. Xinyu City, time is short to build, but the development speed and economic output in the province at the upper level, per capita ranks the province. In the 2010 evaluation of the province's municipalities and counties, the city was awarded the "development of advanced industrial city" and "new urbanization advanced city" title, becoming the only province also received two honorary title of municipalities and districts; Xinyu is a liberal and open city. The characteristics of a city of immigrants has created an open Xinyu peoplment, adhere to constantly extend the life expectancy as a measure of people's happiness index of the fundamental criterion in order to "work through 10 years, average life expectancy of 80 years to achieve," the main line, to guide the work of livelihood projects, focus on grasping drinking water quality, air quality improvement, enhanced food security, health care, social security, fitness, build a harmonious society and a series of people's lives and work of the people's happiness index rising; Xinyu is a livable should the industry of the city. Xinyu convenient transportation, favorable domestic environment, a number of indicators to achieve the "China Habitat Environment Prize" assessment standards, the state Forest City, National Garden City, National Sanitary City, 2011 "happiest city in China."For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Tour Travel

August 3, party secretary of Zhejiang Tourism Bureau, Party Secretary Zhao Jinyong and Board members, deputy director of vermilion Wei, Xu Peng, Fang Jinghua, party members Jian-Wu Yang, Xiao Song, deputy inspector, respectively, and visit the 21 75 Bureau over the age of retired veterans to inform them of the province's tourism development, and to extend my greetings and best wishes, sent to summer cooling products.
Zhao Jinyong Secretary in the Bureau office and Renjiao Chu, accompanied by comrades, made ​​a special trip to visit the Third Hospital of Hangzhou rushed to the hospital, former deputy director Zhou Wei and other old comrades. Zhao Juchang a door, they asked with great concern and physical condition of her life, her many years of tourism development in Zhejiang make an important contribution to the gratitude, told her to actively cooperate with medical treatment, peace of mind rest and recuperation, and wishes her a speedy recovery. This year has been 90-year-old Zhou Wei, is still thinking clearly, that Zhao Juchang very excited when the came to visit, and conducted exchanges and Zhao Jinyong Secretary.
Zhao Jinyong old comrades of the Secretary of the Zhejiang Tourism contribution to the Provincial Tourism Bureau, as always, grateful for the support and concern and hope for the old comrades to continue the development of Zhejiang Tourism valuable comments and suggestions. He also asked the accompanying staff must take the veteran's living arrangements, and solve veteran who lives in the face of difficulties and problems so that they can spend their remaining years.
Red Wei, Xu Peng, Fang Jinghua, Jian-Wu Yang, Xiao Song and other leading every one, chatted with old comrades, asked in detail about the lives of retired veteran cadres, health, etc., for their cause have been made ​​for the Zhejiang Tourism contribution, and humbly seek their views and suggestions, hoping the old comrades in maintaining good health, dignity, under the premise keen interest in Zhejiang tourism, full of experience, wisdom, strengths, positive suggestions for the realization of a strong tourism economy of Zhejiang province to work together.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Travel to Nature Strange Gorge Scenic Area

Shao Wu Tiancheng odd Gap is located in the scenic valley in the South China Wuyi Orchid Ceramics Museum in the first two major projects recently completed and the park opened and tomorrow for the opening ceremony, officially opened the National Day Golden Week. When visitors can enjoy more than ten thousand kinds of orchids, many of them is the rare precious species; tourists can also visit the appreciation of ancient ceramics, while interactive participation antique pottery making.

It is reported that set tourism, promotion of orchid culture, orchid research as one of "China's first Orchid Valley" tourism project, a project investment of $ 5 million is currently completing a land tour Road, Orchid exhibition hall, orchid cultivation shed, orchid tea , Cliff and other projects. Wuyi Ceramics Museum by the potteries and ceramics market, which mainly produce pottery, antique porcelain antique porcelain production and trading, investment 500 million, is currently undergoing renovation and other details of the environmental health work, and a new look to greet the National Day.

This year's "October" Golden Week, invited a number of civil Citylink Guanzhi scenic artists to the area within the civil stunts, including the famous puppet show puppet artists Li Mingqing calligraphy, folk artists and performers of the forest five Chuisuo Na nose, nose blown teapot and other artists of Hakka folk songs, is listed as national intangible cultural heritage of the Hakka-Juban music and high-altitude performance Speed​​.In order to facilitate the tourists enjoy the unique flavor of Hakka snacks Citylink, Guanzhi scenic arrangements of Hakka snacks stationed scenic, tourist attractions of the rest as long as Guanzhi shopping you can enjoy delicious Hakka snacks.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Travel to Fujian Red Mansion

1, by the side of Longyan City, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi and western Fujian old comrades club-sponsored Red Hill was awarded the "Fujian history education base" and the "red lines" exhibition launching ceremony of the new Law on Village on West Beizhen Ziyang. City leaders Duccio yuan, really old comrades Bi Xie, Zheng Lin, Jiang Bingquan, the provincial Party History Research Center and other relevant leaders attended the ceremony.

By Zhang Jian, secretary of the Party, the mayor commissioned Huang Yan, Duccio dollars on behalf of the municipal government made ​​a speech on the western Fujian Red Hill was awarded the "Fujian History Education Base" and "red lines" exhibition warm congratulations to the official launch, Villa to the building, exhibitions effort to pay the descendants of the Red Army of Comrade Wang Ruiquan express my heartfelt thanks! he hoped the city history departments at all levels to carry out this exhibition as an opportunity to take full advantage of revolutionary sites, monuments and other historical resources revolution, play party the role of history education base, the organization of party members, cadres, young people visit the history of education to reflect the party's base and the history of all kinds of important exhibitions in the city set off Xuexi CPC history, local history of the boom of western Fujian. Meanwhile, we hope to vigorously Red Hill in the future, "red and cultural heritage, promote the revolutionary spirit" as the theme of the publicity and education activities, the old liberated areas of scientific development in western Fujian, play an active role across the development.

Bi Xie true also praised the "red lines" for the Chinese revolution has made great contributions, he hopes to better western Fujian Red Hill Red and cultural heritage, promote the revolutionary spirit, and inspire future generations of education to play a more energetic and promising role.It is reported that western Fujian Red Hill was founded in 2005 by the Wangrui Quan, is the first founded by farmers, government guidance, set of revolutionary education, entertainment, leisure and eco-tourism as one of Red Hill, an area of ​​about 2,500 square meters, opened up "red corridor" history characteristics of education, central gallery displays the history of Soviet revolution, the Central Soviet "Communist lifeline - a red traffic route map and Exhibition Park", Soviet anti-corruption education warning corridors, the number of visitors has reached more than 50,000 people.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary