
Summer Climatic Characteristics in Tibet

The main climatic characteristics of the summer months:

The main summer months the climate is characterized by abundant sunshine, cool and pleasant temperatures, precipitation concentrated, multi-night rain and hail.

Tibet's thin air dry-cleaning, good transparency, solar radiation and sunshine duration is much greater than the same latitude. Such as Lhasa, the average annual sunshine time is 3007.7 hours. Average total optical radiation 7784.2 joules / square meter, and therefore, "Solar City" reputation.

As the high altitude Tibetan plateau, the summer months and the rainy season, the warmest month average temperature of 18 ℃, mostly in the following, so the temperature is not high, cool and pleasant. The average elevation of 4,500 meters below the southeast corner and the Brahmaputra valley to 10-18 ℃, the average elevation of 4,500 meters above the plateau region Qiangtang below 10 ℃, and below 1000 meters above sea level south wing of the outer edge of the lower Himalayan Mountains, the annual average temperature ≥ 10 ℃.

Precipitation is highly concentrated in the summer months, usually accounts for 80-90% of the year. Southeastern lowlands generally increased from March rainfall, north eastern Tibet, and Tibet in mid-May and late rainy season, the Brahmaputra River from June to mid rainy season, Shigatse in the western region in late June to early July, began to enter the the rainy season, low precipitation Ali, no rainy season.

Precipitation decreased gradually from southeast to northwest, the Himalayas the windward side, precipitation up to 1000 mm, and its northern foot of a narrow strip between the Brahmaputra, but less than 300 mm of annual precipitation for the "rain shadow zone . "

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China travel service: Sichuan Tour Service

Recently, Sichuan Provincial Tourism Bureau has received a letter from the Education Union's letter of commendation Lishui, Zhejiang, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, has organized training group tour Sichuan Sichuan Link. Lin Gu accompanying guide to knowledgeable, warm and generous, versatile, accurate expression, responsive, customer first, integrity-based services to obtain a full regiment of praise. To this end, special visit to the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Association, Gu Lin. Lin Gu impression gentle, yet dignified, never speak to her with a smile, whisper, with his right.
  1, Sichuan Travel Association: Hello, Lin Gu, Sichuan Tourism Association welcomes you to accept an interview. It is understood that you had been the media as "love of beauty smiling tour guide," Would you please share with everyone before you as a tour guide through it.
  Lin Gu: ah, I was to get a tour card in 1997, engaged in the tour so far. Have gone the route include Jiuzhaigou Loop, Mount Emei, Leshan, Sichuan Link, Siguniangshan, Hailuogou, Xiling Snow Mountain, Jianmenguan, Kangding along the five cities in East China, Xiamen, Guangxi, Hainan, Chongqing and so on.
  2, Sichuan Travel Association: do you think of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, the education trade union members of the group to your assessment? And to introduce the mission's situation?
  Gu Lin: That is all my love and praise. I actually still have many deficiencies, in many ways should be studying more. Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, this group is education unions pure play group, Zhejiang Lishui travel tour by the reception we Everbright International Travel Service is responsible for this group, I am honored to become the regiment's accompanying tour. In the seven-day trip also encountered many problems, but in the group's understanding and support of the next one to resolve. Because of conditions along the Qiayu landslides, traffic jams in Kangding, was forced to cancel the tower of public and xinduqiao trip, but the rear section of the Hailuogou, Bifeng travel very well.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Tours China: Tumen River Tour

"2011 Tumen sculpture contest" is held in Tumen city for the first time large-scale sculpture works of art competitions and showcase events. To further carry forward the sculpture culture and promote the development of Yanbian sculpture, sculpture for the majority of artists and enthusiasts a platform to exhibit their work and activities through the sculpture contest game collection of outstanding works, a permanent display at the Tumen River Sculpture Park , the lift charts are the standard of tourism culture and the arts. Sculpture competition for the domestic and international sculpture artists, major institutions, agencies and extensive collection of sculpture, sculpture lovers, brought together more than 140 pieces of sculpture at home and abroad, a panel of experts after the initial evaluation, re-evaluation, the final selection of prize one, two and excellent second prize, 10 winners.

In the future, Tumen City will continue to promote the latter part of the Tumen River Sculpture Park construction, increasing domestic and international sculpture artists classics, perfect service, standardize management, enhance the Tumen City landscape construction, enhance tourism and cultural taste, and effective promotion of culture and tourism combination of depth, and further build a graph are unique cultural tourism brand.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Group Tour: Capital Wetlands

Hebei forestry department, said that by 2010, Zhangjiakou dam area will build three wetland nature reserves, then, as the main water source of Beijing-Tianjin region, the region will play better water conservation, protecting the environment role.

     Beijing Zhangjiakou straight-line distance from the dam area is only 100 kilometers, the distribution of a large number of lakes, rivers and wetlands, known as the "Beijing and Tianjin's water tower." One Guyuan is White River, Black River and the Luan River, the birthplace of the White River, Black River flows into the Miyun Reservoir, Beijing's main reservoir, the Miyun Reservoir annual water accounting for 53% of the total water inflow; Panjiakou Luan rivers flow into the reservoir, a Tianjin Municipal People's the main source of drinking water.

     The new three wetland nature reserves to Angulinao - Huanggainao Wetland Nature Reserve, Chahannao wetland nature reserve and lightning River wetland nature reserves, three Wetland Nature Reserve covers an area of ​​about 110,000 hectares. The growth of protected areas, biological survival of many rare species, there are 60 kinds of migratory birds passing through these areas. In addition, the growth of lake mud Hebei also has endangered lenok.

     Hebei forestry department said that as one of the sources of sandstorms affecting Beijing and an important source of water, the dam area three wetland nature reserve construction, water conservation, sand-fixing and protection of animals such as eco-efficiency will play an important role.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Group Tour: Jiangsu Cartoon Park

Wang Yong Hong Provincial Tourism Bureau Secretary told reporters, fully affirmed the "during" A work of creating the province's tourist attractions made ​​this series of encouraging results. She said that tourist attractions are the basis for the development of tourism, is to promote transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry an important force. The strength of tourist attractions, is related to the province's tourism appeal, influence and competitiveness, is related to the overall situation of the province's tourism development. In the "second five" A record should vigorously promote the work area, to create features that, good quality, effective, environment and scenic beauty brand boutique area.

In discussing how to build a boutique area, the Secretary said Wang Yong-hong next five years, competition in the tourism industry will become more intense, local tourism departments to establish a large tourism resources, and strengthen measures to create A work area as a global focus, open-minded, creative way to promote the area to create work.

To improve traditional area. Tap Wuxi Yuantouzhu, Zhenjiang three Mountain Scenic Area and other traditional 4A scenic potential and strive to go further, creating a high standard 5A level scenic spots. Actively promote a large number of Yangzhou Zhuyuwan 3A area to upgrade again, to the boutique area from high quality area forward and enhance its attractiveness for tourists to provide better service.

New form of tourism development. "1025" period, the integration of tourism development will become a major feature of Jiangsu. With agricultural, industrial, commercial and integrated development of related industries, will grow and develop creative experience of Jiangsu, a large number of digital entertainment and new form of tourism to the development of spa, business purchase, waterfront and a number of new types of tourist attractions, which a record will also further expand the area of the field.

Promote key projects. Area development project is the driving force, "five-second" period, the province plans to build 472 kinds of area projects, construction fund plans to invest 347.5 billion yuan, accounting for the province's total tourism investment 56%. Salt Lake City, Changzhou Orient seventeen major development projects and large Yunshan Han seven priority projects and other 20 high-quality tourist attractions for building support for sustainable development.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Customize Tour: China Net Media Conference

August 3 to 5, to participate in the eighth "Jiangxi China's Internet media," the network media editors and reporters came to the city to carry out interviews. 4 morning, party secretary Li Anze meeting will be attended correspondent, describes the city's economic and social development, and answered questions from reporters. Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Deputy Inspector Qiushang Ren will attend the meeting. Municipal Committee, Publicity Minister Liao Lanfang chair.

Lian Ze In his speech on behalf of the municipal government of the Internet media editors and reporters who extend a warm welcome to people briefed on the city's economic and social development. Lian Ze said, Xinyu is an emerging industrial city. In recent years, through grasping the industry, focus on development of the park, catch the backbone of business, scientific and technological innovation and through human resource, has been basically formed of steel, new energy, and vigorously promote the market and strive to improve urban and rural economic and social development; Xinyu is a rapid rise of the city. Xinyu City, time is short to build, but the development speed and economic output in the province at the upper level, per capita ranks the province. In the 2010 evaluation of the province's municipalities and counties, the city was awarded the "development of advanced industrial city" and "new urbanization advanced city" title, becoming the only province also received two honorary title of municipalities and districts; Xinyu is a liberal and open city. The characteristics of a city of immigrants has created an open Xinyu peoplment, adhere to constantly extend the life expectancy as a measure of people's happiness index of the fundamental criterion in order to "work through 10 years, average life expectancy of 80 years to achieve," the main line, to guide the work of livelihood projects, focus on grasping drinking water quality, air quality improvement, enhanced food security, health care, social security, fitness, build a harmonious society and a series of people's lives and work of the people's happiness index rising; Xinyu is a livable should the industry of the city. Xinyu convenient transportation, favorable domestic environment, a number of indicators to achieve the "China Habitat Environment Prize" assessment standards, the state Forest City, National Garden City, National Sanitary City, 2011 "happiest city in China."For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Tour Travel

August 3, party secretary of Zhejiang Tourism Bureau, Party Secretary Zhao Jinyong and Board members, deputy director of vermilion Wei, Xu Peng, Fang Jinghua, party members Jian-Wu Yang, Xiao Song, deputy inspector, respectively, and visit the 21 75 Bureau over the age of retired veterans to inform them of the province's tourism development, and to extend my greetings and best wishes, sent to summer cooling products.
Zhao Jinyong Secretary in the Bureau office and Renjiao Chu, accompanied by comrades, made ​​a special trip to visit the Third Hospital of Hangzhou rushed to the hospital, former deputy director Zhou Wei and other old comrades. Zhao Juchang a door, they asked with great concern and physical condition of her life, her many years of tourism development in Zhejiang make an important contribution to the gratitude, told her to actively cooperate with medical treatment, peace of mind rest and recuperation, and wishes her a speedy recovery. This year has been 90-year-old Zhou Wei, is still thinking clearly, that Zhao Juchang very excited when the came to visit, and conducted exchanges and Zhao Jinyong Secretary.
Zhao Jinyong old comrades of the Secretary of the Zhejiang Tourism contribution to the Provincial Tourism Bureau, as always, grateful for the support and concern and hope for the old comrades to continue the development of Zhejiang Tourism valuable comments and suggestions. He also asked the accompanying staff must take the veteran's living arrangements, and solve veteran who lives in the face of difficulties and problems so that they can spend their remaining years.
Red Wei, Xu Peng, Fang Jinghua, Jian-Wu Yang, Xiao Song and other leading every one, chatted with old comrades, asked in detail about the lives of retired veteran cadres, health, etc., for their cause have been made ​​for the Zhejiang Tourism contribution, and humbly seek their views and suggestions, hoping the old comrades in maintaining good health, dignity, under the premise keen interest in Zhejiang tourism, full of experience, wisdom, strengths, positive suggestions for the realization of a strong tourism economy of Zhejiang province to work together.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Travel to Nature Strange Gorge Scenic Area

Shao Wu Tiancheng odd Gap is located in the scenic valley in the South China Wuyi Orchid Ceramics Museum in the first two major projects recently completed and the park opened and tomorrow for the opening ceremony, officially opened the National Day Golden Week. When visitors can enjoy more than ten thousand kinds of orchids, many of them is the rare precious species; tourists can also visit the appreciation of ancient ceramics, while interactive participation antique pottery making.

It is reported that set tourism, promotion of orchid culture, orchid research as one of "China's first Orchid Valley" tourism project, a project investment of $ 5 million is currently completing a land tour Road, Orchid exhibition hall, orchid cultivation shed, orchid tea , Cliff and other projects. Wuyi Ceramics Museum by the potteries and ceramics market, which mainly produce pottery, antique porcelain antique porcelain production and trading, investment 500 million, is currently undergoing renovation and other details of the environmental health work, and a new look to greet the National Day.

This year's "October" Golden Week, invited a number of civil Citylink Guanzhi scenic artists to the area within the civil stunts, including the famous puppet show puppet artists Li Mingqing calligraphy, folk artists and performers of the forest five Chuisuo Na nose, nose blown teapot and other artists of Hakka folk songs, is listed as national intangible cultural heritage of the Hakka-Juban music and high-altitude performance Speed​​.In order to facilitate the tourists enjoy the unique flavor of Hakka snacks Citylink, Guanzhi scenic arrangements of Hakka snacks stationed scenic, tourist attractions of the rest as long as Guanzhi shopping you can enjoy delicious Hakka snacks.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Travel to Fujian Red Mansion

1, by the side of Longyan City, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi and western Fujian old comrades club-sponsored Red Hill was awarded the "Fujian history education base" and the "red lines" exhibition launching ceremony of the new Law on Village on West Beizhen Ziyang. City leaders Duccio yuan, really old comrades Bi Xie, Zheng Lin, Jiang Bingquan, the provincial Party History Research Center and other relevant leaders attended the ceremony.

By Zhang Jian, secretary of the Party, the mayor commissioned Huang Yan, Duccio dollars on behalf of the municipal government made ​​a speech on the western Fujian Red Hill was awarded the "Fujian History Education Base" and "red lines" exhibition warm congratulations to the official launch, Villa to the building, exhibitions effort to pay the descendants of the Red Army of Comrade Wang Ruiquan express my heartfelt thanks! he hoped the city history departments at all levels to carry out this exhibition as an opportunity to take full advantage of revolutionary sites, monuments and other historical resources revolution, play party the role of history education base, the organization of party members, cadres, young people visit the history of education to reflect the party's base and the history of all kinds of important exhibitions in the city set off Xuexi CPC history, local history of the boom of western Fujian. Meanwhile, we hope to vigorously Red Hill in the future, "red and cultural heritage, promote the revolutionary spirit" as the theme of the publicity and education activities, the old liberated areas of scientific development in western Fujian, play an active role across the development.

Bi Xie true also praised the "red lines" for the Chinese revolution has made great contributions, he hopes to better western Fujian Red Hill Red and cultural heritage, promote the revolutionary spirit, and inspire future generations of education to play a more energetic and promising role.It is reported that western Fujian Red Hill was founded in 2005 by the Wangrui Quan, is the first founded by farmers, government guidance, set of revolutionary education, entertainment, leisure and eco-tourism as one of Red Hill, an area of ​​about 2,500 square meters, opened up "red corridor" history characteristics of education, central gallery displays the history of Soviet revolution, the Central Soviet "Communist lifeline - a red traffic route map and Exhibition Park", Soviet anti-corruption education warning corridors, the number of visitors has reached more than 50,000 people.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Taiwan Strait Tour Fair

Fair at the opening ceremony of the Third Brigade, announced China National Tourism Administration Shao Qiwei: the recent launch "Penghu Tour" problem, Fujian folk Tourism Organization talks will be issued Penghu tourism offer.

His remark, Taiwan representatives Lin Bingkun was immediately surrounded by foreign media. Lin Bingkun smiled and said, "In a sense, 'Penghu Tour' will be officially launched. Penghu travel more than 10 buildings had to visit, routes, prices, etc. have very detailed plans. Penghu to accept 600 per day from mainland tourists. "

This spring, representatives Lin Bingkun Taiwan, Penghu County Magistrate Wang Chien-issued on behalf of hundreds of Penghu, led by the Xiamen-Kinmen route to Xiamen and Fujian for four days of "the beauty of Penghu," marketing promotion.

Lin Bingkun that tourism is a pillar industry in Penghu island and the people are mostly engaged in tourism-related work, if the Fujian residents to visit Penghu tour can be achieved, will greatly enhance the economic strength of Penghu, Penghu to expand the field of employment conducive to the development of Penghu .However, Xiamen Tourism Group Manager Yang was not so optimistic. He said: "We need to sit down and discuss a lot of places." He thought, "Penghu Tour" of the barrier is required mainland tourists to Taiwan via a third to be transferred to Penghu. In desperation the program are: boat from Xiamen to Kinmen after the Xiamen-Kinmen route, then fly to Kinmen, Penghu. Came back, fly to Kinmen from Penghu, Kinmen, and then from the boat back to Xiamen by the Xiamen-Kinmen route. According to this line of Penghu industry peers is reported to Xiamen, "three-night four days," 4,000 yuan trip.

In addition, the requirements of the Taiwan authorities, "Penghu Tour" only charter flights, can not be intermixed. This means that the same group, "Penghu Tour" to cobble together 125 or so guests. At the same time for so many documents, but also the tourism industry in Xiamen, a headache problem.Nevertheless, the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Tourism is said, will organize the first wave of mainland tourists next year charter "Penghu tour."For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Ganzi Minority Tour

Rare in the province and the world as a tourist-rich region, the prefecture's tourism industry has not been fully developed and developed. In the "five-second" the first year, proposed the implementation of the prefecture, "non-balanced development" strategy. Six months, Ganzi Prefecture in the major tourism fairs, Fair frequent appearances, highly touted tourism products."Non-balanced development" strategy how to travel into how Ganzi vitality? Reporter interviewed the Ganzi Prefecture Tourism Bureau Feng Xiao.

"Uneven development" is the first focuses on major Reporter: What is "unbalanced development" strategy? Feng Xiao: We put forward the "second five" years, Ganzi gradient to promote tourism development will be implemented, "non-balanced development" strategy.The so-called "non-balanced development" is the process of tourism development in the Ganzi uneven force, so that after the first, focused and strategic clarity. Specifically, to build the core of the Hong Tung Kangding travel support center and Daocheng Aden, Dege two sub-centers of tourism development pattern. Strengthen the leading city of Kangding Love Song radiation and tourism hub function, the Love Song of Kangding city into a tourist hub and service support center. According to "enhance the east, south to accelerate and promote the north," the idea of ​​perfect rings to enhance the two-hour tour circles gongga, focus on building tourism circle ring Aden airport, to accelerate the development of tourism in the region Connan, northern Kham promote the coordinated development of cultural tourism cultivate Inagi Aden, Dege to support tourism growth poles.

Prominent in marketing, "after the first East West, first in the outer" strategy, focusing on the next 2-3 years will occur in Ganzi explosive tourism growth, good skills, image building, building area, pushing the line, grasping the marketing expand the market and so on.
In pursuit of "five-second" period, to achieve the prefecture to build "world-class eco-tourism and cultural tourism destination Kamba", "China's western state of eco-tourism economy strong," the target. By 2015, strive to domestic and foreign tourists exceeded 10 million, tourism revenue 8.0 billion, accounting for 30.77% of GDP across the state. Enriching project to promote the development of tourism.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Tianjin Regulates Tour Hotels

Currently there are travel tourism market will Salesroom contracted, affiliated to the phenomenon of others, the name of "the establishment of Salesroom" on the cover, the right to operate the franchise or part of the illegal transfer of some individuals. These affiliated private practitioners in total disregard of the interests of tourists, the tourism market, price competition on the blind. Travel agency for the protection of the quality of tourist interest margin, which often are not anchored in time to pay, to safety and quality of tourist travel and security.

"Measures" clearly defined, travel service network should be fully invested in the establishment of community, travel agents not to take a disguised contract, anchored in the form, not the so-called "contract" form of profits or to pay management fees, travel agency disguised transfer of management rights.Travel Salesroom signs uniform titleAt the same time "approach", travel agency Salesroom signs should include the name of the establishment of community, retail outlet location names, etc., convenient for visitors to know that this is the shops. Shall not contain misleading consumers as a travel agency or branch of content, nor as easy to make consumers misunderstand short.

Some Salesroom alone rent a house facade, two desks, two phones are not allowed to do tourism. Press the "way", the tourism administration departments accepted service network for the record, it should be by two or more holders of travel documents of administrative law enforcement officers view their place of business conditions, fill out the "travel service network view table of office space," to meet the requirements of before the establishment of social issue "travel service network registration to prove."For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Baoding Summer Holiday Tour

Too hectic city life, physical and psychological needs rest. Forget the trivial life, return to the most primitive natural state. At this time, the pressure of the rapidly dissipated long-term, in the flowers moved, touched in nature, which is every city in the heart of people's emotional needs.

Partner you have, or are in love you, want to come with a loved one an ultra-romantic travel, more romantic expression of love? If your heart is full of expectations, then quickly close with your love to ride Baoding Mountain Scenic Spot to the 2007 grand launch of Panzhihua City, Baoding Mountain "First Art Festival and lily Yi Torch Festival" events, where you will be able to spend romantic time with the intimate love, lilies in front of 300,000 vows promise love, love for the mountains and plains of the lily of testimony, to share the taste of happiness, this experience will make you never forget. First lily festival grand scale, unprecedented, 30 million trees each pure wild species of lilies in full bloom, grand scenes; 300 mu of other iris blooming flowers on the same stage of interpretation, a more beautiful against the background of the lilies, but also Baoding Hill this summer to be more charming.

Large area of the original eco-park as animals, plants co-exist in heaven, is a modern city people looking for a pure land. If visitors came to a large Baoding area, you will find there are numerous large and small monkeys jump in the mountain cheering, laughing play. If there are visitors to feed them, they will be like a naughty child, offer each other a while Qiangzhe Chi food, while watching with vigilant eyes of the people move, the kind of foolish ignorance of the state, it is truly funny.

Here, you can feel not only enchanting flowers, naughty monkeys, to better appreciate the sculptures of ancient Greek culture show in front of you, so you can feel the charm of Greek mythology, the history of the arts and culture has always been dazzling, enduring .So beautiful, so romantic, so attractive area, you can do is bring your friends and family to go into it ...Visitors can take in the Nanshan mountain car bound for a large tripod to the area.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Xiamen Microblog Tour Marcketing

Xiamen travel follow the trend of online marketing, launched in March this year, the official certification of the real name Sina microblogging - "Xiamen travel official microblogging V". From June, Xiamen travel microblogging "Xiamen travel experience division activities" was officially launched. Microblogging by forwarding, attention, inviting the three June 15 friends planned to buildings to two units of "Xiamen travel experience division activities", by sending live microblogging experience Xiamen beautiful food. The microblogging marketing activities aimed at micro-Bo activities through the organization the way, the rapid spread and use microblogging features information explosion tourism gateway Note degree of Xiamen, Xiamen city image promotion. As of the end of June end of the event, microblogging on Xiamen travel more than two thousand fans were concerned about the total, Bowen seven Bai Yupian.

Xiamen Travel Network will use the three-month promotion period, one or two a month through the different themes for promotion, events are: to draw lots to allow fans to Xiamen travel the country, to create different themes for different routes of personality of tourist routes through the fans to experience live microblogging Xiamen beautiful food, held in Xiamen travel pictures, text collection; two anniversaries; to Tanabata as an opportunity to collect at least 50 of the couple hand-held version of passport photos, and micro-couple love letters, selected from five sections About Castle travel love story; CAPE located in the tourist Zhuanban display outstanding works and other activities. Various forms of network marketing, improve attention, microblogging, while improving the image of Xiamen Tourism. For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Jinan Hot Spring Parks

July 20, spring survey team stationed Pingyin, marking the largest springs in the history of Jinan City, a city-wide survey in full swing. Spring survey tours to China, started nearly a month's time, have city-wide census in the spring 615, 75% of all work completed, the discovery of new springs 95.

Spring in Jinan, according to deputy director of Panda Bo Protection Committee introduced this spring census on June 25 launch. Green by the Jinan City Bureau of Parks led the survey team has completed the 615 spring census. Among them, 95 springs not in the "Spring in Jinan, List" in the registration. The spring survey, springs survey team carried out in accordance with administrative  China trip divisions. Survey work has been in the calendar, the city, the bridges, Huai Yin, Licheng, Changqing, Zhangqiu, Pingyin other eight counties (cities) in full swing.

Than in the past compared to the spring survey has three new features. First, the broadest survey of radiation Jinan full range of administrative divisions. In addition to the census, "Spring in Jinan, List" in the presence of 573 springs outside the survey team also thoroughly investigated through in-depth, look for a new spring, spring to find out the "real situation." Second, the most advanced technological means application to the census. Reference GPS positioning equipment, three-dimensional positioning of the spring to ensure that the latitude and longitude measurement error does not exceed 1 cm, height error of only 2 cm. Finally, the depth of excavation spring culture. Survey team by visiting the local people, ask for advice folk springs lovers, reading inscriptions and monuments around the springs, etc., collect spring water-related stories, legends and cultural heritage, etc.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Special Tour to Tianjin Samaranch Memorial Hall

The afternoon of July 19, Samaranch memorial construction cooperation agreement signing ceremony was held in Tianjin, Juan Antonio Samaranch, was officially China vacation settled in Tianjin Jinghai County Museum. Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo met with International Olympic Committee, the International Boxing Association President Wu Jingguo line of Mr. Wu Jingguo the support given to Tianjin to express my sincere thanks and attended the signing ceremony.

Huang Xingguo said Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch, the IOC has made outstanding career contributions to the Olympic Movement in China has given great support. In Mr. Wu Jingguo's active promotion, Juan Antonio Samaranch Memorial settled Jinghai, Tianjin sports and culture in the development of a famous places to visit in China major event. We will fully support high-level project planning, high-level construction, high level of operational management, to create a world-class museum. Wu Jingguo said that Mr. Samaranch has a deep affection for China, so we decided to set up his museum in Tianjin, China. I believe that with joint efforts, the museum will be able to build, manage and better promote the Olympic spirit and spread the Olympic culture, and to show the historical merits of Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch.

International Olympic Committee Honorary President Juan Antonio Samaranch, is following the "Olympic" Father Pierre de Coubertin, the longest after the International Olympic Committee President. His collection of precious items recorded history of the Olympic movement, with high research value and memorable. Jinghai County People's Government and Mr. Wu Jingguo after consultations, decided to cooperate in building Samaranch Museum. Memorial Hall covers an area of ​​about 50 acres, building area of ​​about 30,000 square meters. The project is responsible for the investment by the construction of Jinghai County, Mr. Wu Jingguo responsible for providing memorial exhibits, jointly responsible for the museum operation and management. Project will be April 21, 2013, Mr. Samaranch, officially opened the third anniversary of the death. By then, the memorial will be his life, Mr. Samaranch collection of books, souvenirs, collectibles, lifetime supplies of about 16,000 exhibits panoramic display.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Small Group Tour: Henan Hebi Tour

Hebi City Tourism Bureau held the plenary authority to convey the provinces, "righteousness, and fostering new practices" conference theme educational activities, to seriously study the "Chinese in the city of Hebi City and leading cadres at all levels of party organizations in launching the" righteousness , fostering new "theme views the implementation of educational activities," and Wang Xun China group tour Chi secretary's speech at the mobilization meeting, and the overall conduct, "and righteousness, and fostering new" theme arrangements for educational activities. Hebi City Tourism Bureau Party Secretary Xu made a mobilization, mobilization of party members and cadres should take an active organ full of enthusiasm into the educational activities, and use it as an opportunity to further change the work style, improve efficiency, to promote health tourism in the city, sustained and rapid development of a strong guarantee.

To carry out the theme of education, Hebi City Tourism Bureau set up by the heads as the first head of the "Tourism Bureau" righteousness, and fostering new 'theme Leading Group "to formulate a" Hebi Tourism "talk righteousness, and fostering new "theme education program," the activities of well-organized, strive to achieve tangible results. The second is to carry out study and learning activities in the organs in the "every day, hour, month and a book" reading activities based on the combination of this theme, the small group China tours development of learning programs, knowledge of the systematic study of political theory, to further improve organ Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres of the theoretical knowledge, ideals and faith, the purpose of enhancing awareness of cadres and workers, as well lay a solid business foundation. Third, strict procedures, in accordance with provincial and municipal educational activities on topics related to the requirements of a serious education discipline to ensure that learning time, reasonable solution to the relationship between learning and work, study and work to do things correct, the two promotion.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Small Group Tour: Longyan Tour

"Summer bring the child to look at the revolutionary site in the tour but also the history of the revolutionary Red Army more stories, more education." July 13, at the former revolutionary Liancheng Wangyun new spring grass room, a travel team in a visitor from Longyan China group tour Silla is visited with children in the revolutionary site. Since June this year, with County tourism continues to heat up the red, only the revolutionary new spring tourists former group had more than 10,000 people.
Citylink red rich tourism resources, combined with the county to celebrate the 90th anniversary of its founding, the premise of heritage preservation, sustainable and stable development of red tourism resources and promote accelerated development of red tourism. Dig "Gutian Conference resolution," drafted in "looking cloud grass Room", the Fourth Red Army headquarters site and a series of red tourism attractions and cultural heritage, site of the revolution to the physical display, scenario-based classification methods show small group China tours Citylink revolutionary history, allowing visitors to look back Red Army history, a taste of the Central Soviet base style, to accept the revolutionary tradition. Of revolution around the village environment remediation site is optimized for friends mouth Songmaoling site of the battle group, banners North Mission Hill Red Dragon site group, the new site of spring training and consolidation group, the temple "Kongqing Temple", "Ji-Zhi Tong" and 30 places revolutionary active site of excavation, consolidation, repair and protect.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Small Group Tour: Taiwan Tour Association Visits Luzhou

To further expand the tourist market in Taiwan to strengthen cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in the tourism industry, so that more Taiwanese traveling salesman about the rich tourism resources, Luzhou, March 6 afternoon, hundreds of Taiwanese traveling salesman, a "first th China group tour cross-strait travel industry association, "the delegation arrived in southern Sichuan Luzhou line, tourism and the tourism resources of the city conducted a two-day visit. The study organized by the Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Association, Taiwan Association of Chinese cross-strait travel, travel industry quality assurance association, Taipei Association of Travel Agents, Association of Travel Association of Taiwan, Kaohsiung Association of Travel Agents, Kaohsiung Tourism Association, Sichuan Provincial Tourism Association, Tourism Association of Chengdu contractors. Activities of the Association attaches great importance to the city, Mayor ZHU Chong, Vice Mayor Yang Wenjie, Li-side and other city leaders attended the welcome dinner, and the arrival of the delegation a warm welcome.
      Cross-Strait Travel Industry Association  small group China tours of Southern Sichuan line enthusiastic delegation, visited the dam longan Zhang Lin, one hundred subgraph Cultural Square, National Pits Museum Square and the city suburbs tourist attractions, through study tours to learn about Luzhou abundant tourism resources and deep wine culture. Representatives of the dam longan Luzhou and Zhang Lin to give a high evaluation on the city's urban construction, tourism resources and tourism reception facilities are satisfied, and said the organization will soon visit Taiwan, Lu guests to visit.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Best China Tour: Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve

July 8, held in Beijing Great Hall of the response to the "China Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030)," the General Assembly, Jiangsu Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve and 11 other units have been identified as country's first "green China tours to China biodiversity Conservation and development of demonstration bases."
This meeting is former vice president of China Academy of Engineering, De-Pei Liu and China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation Jin Jianming, director of the Committee of Experts, a total of seven Academy jointly sent a letter to Vice Premier Li Keqiang proposed to hold. The proposal by the State Council attached great importance, Li Keqiang made ​​a handwritten instructions.
NPC Vice Chairman Sang Guowei, Vice Minister Li Chien-Jie, secretary of China Association for Science and Zhang Qin attended the meeting. Conference calls for national legislation to accelerate biodiversity conservation, biodiversity conservation into socio-economic development indicators evaluation China trip system; called entrepreneurs fully understand the conservation of biological diversity, promote eco-industrial transformation to modern industrial; appeal to the community, individuals, civil society organizations to raise public awareness on biodiversity conservation, from the side of the little things.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Minority Discovery: Dazhou Red Army Park

Recently, the State Development and Reform Commission project on the Battle of War History Museum Wanyuan a full upgrade to create and build the famous "Red Army Park", a national tourism quality red, red key national tourism.
     It is reported that China tour travel Wanyuan Park will commemorate the Red Army "Wanyuan Battle" as the theme, the whole history of war to build Wanyuan Battle Mountain Park Museum and Wanyuan pack tourist resources, on the basis of the original 150 acres to expand to 1000 acres to build ten "red tourism" landscape project. New "Red Army Pavilion" a viewing tower, "the British Army unknown martyrs' monument to a" Red Road "statues one, more than 300 pieces of red stone monuments a slogan, a monument to the spirit of the Red Army, Red Army stopping the enemy trenches, bunkers and other tour of facilities, more than 300 Wanyuan Republic generals fought the "Red Army generals, monuments," "Red Army Park" door and landmarks; new revolutionary historical relics, the Red Army China packages conservation projects; new set of sound, light, electricity integration Wanyuan battle simulation shows a museum; the same time converted to urban areas, "Army Park" trunk highway 4.8 km cement; new scenic tour loop within the cement road 3.7 km and 4.6 km pedestrian trail tour.
     The project by the National Development and Reform Commission project, red tourism as a national key construction projects to implement the construction. The total investment is estimated at 27.67 million yuan, the construction period is expected to be 2 years. Park is completed, is expected to be 300,000 annual tourists.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Small Group Tour China: Shenyang Hot Spring

Hu, Tongji University, Taiwan in the design of the new town planning diagram, the reporter saw the area north of State Road 102 is positioned as a modern eco-garden type of administrative, commercial and residential, living area. Crane Lake habitat and rely on nearly 7,000 acres China group tour of wetlands, will be playing a livable waterfront ecological residential area. Crane Lake particular habitat, water quality is better, basically crops around here are used to the water to irrigate, while nearly 7,000 acres of wetlands in Liaoning is rare, Hu Tai-Metro will gradually introduce the wetland and underground hot spring resort vacation , is currently doing water exploration stage.

     Incomparable natural environment so that Hu Tai Park land, house prices have greater value-added space. According to Vice Mayor Cao Peng, currently Metro station Hu prices small group China tours around 1,600 yuan per square meter, but will also have greater growth potential, to become home buyers, Shenyang people another choice.

     Hu Metro station is located in the western city of Shenyang, and Yuhong District, bordering from the Shenyang City community 20 km. The total planning area of ​​100 square kilometers, the recent planning area of ​​22.5 square kilometers, started planning area of ​​10.2 square kilometers. Shenyang Hu Metro station is positioned to build a modern, eco-garden, a unique industrial city, livable City, the largest packaging and printing building northeast industrial base.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary

China Small Group Tour to Wuhu Founder Happy World

The morning of April 12, by the Tourism Bureau and the Wuhu Wuhu party co-hosted special joy to the world of "2008 China (Wuhu) Olympic tourist theme year" and the "Friends of China Morocco tour party special, one thousand cavalry Wuhu line" ceremony in Wuhu Wuhu north   China group tour parking lot side hold special joy in the world.
    Wuhu side special joy to the world on April 18 officially opened. As a warm-up activities, the activities of the park opened - "2008 China (Wuhu) Olympic tourist theme year" and the "Friends of China Morocco tour party special, one thousand cavalry Wuhu line", held a departure ceremony, city tour motorcycle team, especially Morocco friendly garden and other activities.
    Travel from the emblem of cavalry, Nanjing Eagle teams motorcycle Cheyou of nearly a thousand members across the country, driving more than 600 small group China tours motorcycles and nearly a hundred vehicles, cars, parties together to Wuhu special joy to the world theme park, motorcycle city The parade is about 2 km long queue formed cavalry, and the scene is very spectacular, causing thousands of people eagerly waiting to see.
    World-class, there are only the first fourth-generation theme park - Wuhu side special joy in the world, since October 18 last year, since the soft opening, has been gradually set off a "special party" craze, its influence, the rapid expansion of awareness, With special joy to the world's side opened with a waterfront city of Wuhu cultural landscape garden will become a favorite tourist destination for visitors touring the city.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Small Group Tours: Nanking Porcelain to Construct

Disappeared 150 years of world wonders --- Nanking Porcelain glass pagoda to reproduce its past glory. Reporter yesterday from the fifth session of the NPC Qinhuai District, five meeting was informed that construction-cum-glass tower of Nanking Porcelain Heritage Park, the China group tour area has been included in the 2007 national economic and social development goals. It is reported that the project will invest 10 billion yuan, is expected to completed within three years.

Famous the world over the centuries have colorful glass Porcelain Pagoda, is Yongle Emperor Zhu Di tribute in memory of his mother Princess was built, 80 meters high, nine-layer 8 side, perimeter meters. The project took nearly 20 years, the craftsmen and military use up to 10 people at a cost of 2.485 million ounces of silver. It is reported that glass Porcelain pagoda stands on the land in small group China tours Nanjing for nearly 400 years after the 1856 war destroyed in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Today, the Ming emperor Yongle Emperor and Xuan Dedi has monument surviving relics of Porcelain. According to historical records, the construction of the tower fired glazed tile, glass and white tile components are in triplicate, spent to build a tower, and the remaining two numbers into the ground, in order to have defects, reporting and Industry, according to No. accessories repair. Unearthed in 1958 near a large number of famous books with ink marks glass components, is presented in possession of the Chinese History Museum, Nanjing Museum and the Nanjing Museum.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary

Yangtze River Tour: Dalian Golden Seashore

To further promote the state-level scenic spots 5A create work, a few days ago, the Golden Pebble Beach Development Authority organize relevant units to carry out the creation of national-level scenic quality service standards compliance 5A contest, fully prepared for the
China travel tours coming of the joint acceptance of the relevant state departments.
     The standard contest to develop the company, theme parks, International Conference Center, Stone Golf Club, hunting clubs and other resort areas and scenic spots as the main units of focus and control the content of state standards assessment.
     Standard competition will focus on institutional settings, rules and regulations, logos trademark registration, complaint handling mechanisms and scenic spots, the boot identity, toilets, car parks, visitor centers, shopping and other ancillary services for an assessment. At the same time on security, sanitation and food hygiene, media and website construction, it is also set forth requirements.
     Currently, scenic spots with reference to score on their own scoring rules, submit comprehensive materials, in order to facilitate acceptance of group queries. Recently, the Leading Group will be organized to create the scenic spots of the inspection and guidance, China tour packages and to make compliance rectification. The active area after rectification, in September to October to meet the inspection and acceptance.
     It is understood that the first time since last year, our assessment of 5A class area, had the highest level for the 4A level. 5A is a normative standard of quality rating system, the evaluation criteria more human-oriented than in the past and details of. Golden Pebble Beach National Holiday Resort at 4A level scenic spot since 2001, again this year to attack the area's top honor.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Minority Discovery: Jiuzhaigou Valley Hotel

Found on the Internet before the Raiders, it was said to be booked in advance, some say no. Before the time being to go to gamble, I do not believe to make China tour travel me sleep on the streets! ! Can be to 5 pm, the car was scheduled to call their hotel, that can not get 6 points, so that they retain the room. I panic, thanks to the work prepared in advance, found on the Internet a few more favorite hotels and inns. Called a four-star hotels, no big bed room, the only triple. 220 yuan one. Say on the first set, anyway, do not spend money.

To the future, a lot of people to us and handed business cards, to help us find a place to stay. Went to a youth hostel looked at standard room 120 yuan a night. Wireless broadband. Children's health conditions are not satisfied with that, but also fear impact of wireless China packages broadband network speed, give up, or choose the scheduled four-star hotel. Go, where have all scheduled out. Fortunately, ah. Summary: If you go to Samsung's four-star hotel, it is best to book in advance. Whether or not the peak season, do no harm. If you want to live in less expensive, such as youth hostels, to be slowly after election, you can look at the location, whether from Mizoguchi close, then there are health conditions. 9 out of our shopping, there are many hotels not full. For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Best China Tour: Snacks in Chengdu

Suddenly, a roadside restaurant greets: "Fire Pakistani Loach" (first two words are linked together, read pa. Unfortunately, the word can not find the font in any case). Loach is a common freshwater fish in northern, high nutrition and well-known, called water ginseng. The assertion is exported to Japan, a ton of loach for a ton of steel, said. Bashu to how to do loach? "Palestinian fire" of the word Why? Confused tours to China into their stores, until noon, many diners. Meizi with sweet sweet sound introduction Sichuan dishes. Point pa loach, she smiled: "This is our specialty shop ah!" Pakistan to ask what is the fire? Suddenly the little girl smiles tenderly again and again, pointing to the next waiter "asked him to ask him!" Then the girl shouted in laughter more than the public. We understand the face of serious demeanor, shy waiter replied: "This is our Sichuan dialect, read the lie, is soft.

Sichuan said that he was henpecked pa ears. pa loach loach is that we do Ruannen delicious special meaning. "So there is so much fun to say! Laughter he sternly said:" In fact, we, the practice of Sichuan dish is boiled loach. But do it soft, fragrant, fresh. Therefore, such individuals played a distinctive, China trip name. "Yuehua Jian, food will come up. Machine Machine pot: red pepper, yellow catfish, green celery, white bean sprouts, colored colorful, delicious and attractive. Clip an entrance, tell the incense, hemp, fresh, delicious simply great! accompanied by a bowl of rice, eat hearty. loach not all been eliminated, and even the side dishes are also my pelvic floor swept away. bowl empty bowl net, licking his lips - incense, it is fragrant! Incense to what extent? The next day afternoon flight, I arrived at the shop at noon and again to eat a pot of only reluctantly went to the airport. Chengdu, you let me flow ripple of human geography goers, made me regret your delicious hard to leave.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Small Group Tour: Summer Resort of Long Island in Yantai

Long Island is located in Shandong, Liaodong Peninsula, between the 32 beautiful islands, ancient times, "sea mountains" of the name. Island cliffs, caves, beaches and other sea erosion vary, mirage, Long John Silver's, advection fog, unpredictable and other natural wonders, seals, seagulls, birds and other biological resources is also very rich. Nine well-known attractions husband Cliff (Half Moon Bay), Temple China group tour Island, Talon Hill, pagoda reef, Pearly Gates, Tuoji Island, while fishing a century popular culture, the Millennium Mazu culture thousands of years prehistoric culture, geology and culture are also millions of years amazing. On the island, whether it is sightseeing or fishing popular culture Millennium taste, very pleasant. You can also find a fisherman, together with the next boat, fishing Zhuoxie exhilaration.

Sunshine near one of the four major fishing grounds of the Haizhou Bay fishing grounds, reefs spread all over, clean water, coupled with suitable climate, environment and other factors, so here are very rich in aquatic resources. Sunshine five large islands, namely, the island is flat, reaching small group China tours Island, car Ushiyama Island, Peach Blossom Island and grandfather Island. In addition, the size distribution along the coast of dozens of rock, more well-known Lee parents column, Yellowstone bar, rattle, Diaoyutai, general stone, above water at low tide, high tide submerged. The islands and reefs are a good place for fishing.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China Small Group Tours: Three Parks will be Finished in Xiamen

The end of 2010, Jimei District will be north of Central Park, Ning Baogong Park, City Park, three universal things that large-scale integrated open park China group tour built. Jimei North Central Park is located north of New City, Jiageng stadium to the north, covers an area of ​​88,000 square meters. According to the plan, the park will build a rich green landscape and garden ornaments, but also the construction of facilities for area residents, school students and foreign workers, tourists viewing the past with the rest, recreation or fitness. Taking into account the surrounding residential area's growing demand for parking, park next to the construction of a occupies 1.1 million square meters of underground parking, providing 440 parking spaces. Ning Baogong Xinglin Area Park is located in Jimei District, covers an area of ​​63,000 square meters. The park to Chinese small group China tours culture and Taiwanese culture into the park design, will create a rich diversity, contemporary and strong eco-city park. Universal things Xinglin Jimei District City Park is located within the south side of the overpass Mao, an area of ​​22,000 square meters. The park in the high-speed rail along the section of Jimei District Xinglin important node in meeting the leisure needs, while EMU will be ushered into the Xiamen touch of eye-catching scenery. For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Yangtze River Tours: Yichang Regulates Three Gorges Tour

December 24, units from the Yichang station dam trip evaluation meeting was informed that the next five years, targeting the Three Gorges Dam will be developed as "the unique yangtze river tours scenery, good ecological, economic prosperity, functional coordination, social harmony," the world-class water tourist spots, to create "three-center three areas." "Three areas", namely: to match with the Three Gorges Project, the Three Gorges Dam to create a high level of tourist attractions and amenities, a beautiful landscape construction, water and electricity facilities, top tourist spots of the world; to protect the ecological environment and optimize the Three Gorges dam, the Three Gorges scenery and hub of the Three Gorges Project Harmony, the unique charm of oriental human ecology model new city; promote self-reliance, the spirit of scaling the heights of the Three Gorges hydropower technology and the highest achievements of the contemporary world, building an international water research, education, production and operation management integration pilot demonstration area. "Three-center" that is: with reference to the "Boao" mode, the establishment of the Three Gorges Environment Forum, a forum for the leading economic development conference, building, China travel tours an international brand exhibition center; full dam port shoreline resources, to expand the effectiveness of transit logistics, the logistics industry, the Three Gorges area of ​​logistics centers; to reduce and control geological disasters in Three Gorges, the Three Gorges Geological Disaster research, prevention, emergency response centers.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Yangtze River Tours: Tour Souvenirs of Jiangsu

Orderly organization of activities, geographical characteristics of the exhibition is full of design, clever and superb live shows, stunning both artistic, practical, market-oriented types of travel products, travel products to Jiangsu in the current Fair shine . Reporters learned China travel tours from the Expo site, in the 2011 competition in China's tourism products, Jiangsu's "cigarette case engraved with flowers stay green bamboo Changzhou Series" won the Gold Award, the "Nanjing stone products" and "works of Wuxi, Yixing Series: Reflection of the Moon, etc." Bronze, an award-winning up to one of the provinces.The fair, in all parts of Jiangsu, is offering their most unique, most classic of travel products. Reporters found that the definition of these products has become increasingly blurred between the traditional and innovative blend, master and private exchanges of a trend.

To this award-winning "cigarette case engraved bamboo bird Changzhou stay Series", for example, which is retained a thin layer of green bamboo carving patterns Yun complex handicrafts, made ​​of a single display if the display items, it appeared that the lack of tourist goods functions and features. To this end, the producers thought the only convenient and practical, affordable product, no market can be called good China tour packages works. So, stay green bamboo engraved business card is cleverly designed frame, card and cigarette case. As a derivative, Changzhou will be chaos embroidery, carved and bamboo house stay grate to form comb name "Sambo" to develop a small random stitch embroidery, and integration with the other two treasures packaging not only reduces the time cost than in the past 70%, and the price is greatly reduced.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Buying Specialities in Huangshan during Group

Ham, steamed bamboo clothing: thin slices of ham with a thin stem with steamed bamboo clothing can be incense. The price generally between $ 20-30, most of the restaurant logo, restaurant Huangshan soil are sold.Pickles tofu stew: my favorite hometown dishes. With pickled vegetables China group tour along with fresh white bean curd stew, add a little pepper seeds children, very well with rice. The price is not expensive, usually between 15-20 dollars, basically there's any restaurant.Small mandarin fish: small mandarin fish meat is very tender, there are several approaches, steamed, braised, etc., the price does not necessarily have to look to the weight of it. Larger restaurants there will be a small hotel may not be.

Laba tofu: tofu Yixian County Laba, looks very ordinary, but the taste is very fragrant. Laba tofu cut into the wire, wire for fried green peppers, or shredded pork, the taste is like, and silk tofu with pork Laba chewing awkward. Yixian County.All hotels will have it.Huizhou hair tofu: Remember, this is not stinky! Mainly eat fried, the outer coating layer of sauce, which is very fresh to say. Basically, every hair tofu hotel will do it. specialty restaurants (on the recommendation of several eaten it, mainly in Tunxi and Yixian County of) Street on the first floor: the entrance is located in Tunxi Old Street, inside the dining environment be the best small group China tours piece of the streets, inside antique, but more expensive Oh, I was in high school that only eat a few years back. Mainly Anhui cuisine. Food people: with the Street is next to the first floor, and high school together come here often, affordable, and had previously been at the counter looked like a la carte dishes, and do not know that there are no changes. Where a small snack varieties particularly suitable for little girls to go with, Oh! Dining environment is also good. The main provider of Anhui, a small snack.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Group Tour with Friends to China Sanya

Nanshan: strong recommendation, although they are not Buddhist, but the sea Nanshan Guanyin was shocked! Spectacular, carved vivid! You look like you Guanyin feel his smile! Very shocking! Believe it or not either! Worth a visit! Nanshan scenery is not bad, giving the prime scenic Zhaifan general! With a China group tour large dining hall is, this Dayton grab ah! Ecological Park: Sanya has several ecological parks, botanical gardens where are good, as a northerner, looking more novel! Many have not seen the plant, as well as the startling fruit pear peach! the East China Sea: Beach for free! Convenient, recommended!
8, the first seafood market: Sanya everywhere Duanjinshaoliang, the first market a variety of fruits and seafood, everything, if the proposal with a spring balance avoiding Duanjinshaoliang. Front of the food stalls on the market can be processed seafood, fresh and delicious! 5 dollars a pound processing fee! tour guide recommended to buy Crystal: Crystal factories, though, you buy a meal, but came back after  small group China tours consulting a bit, only to find overpaid a lot!  Finally, sum up, the proposed young friends can do their homework in advance, will be a good family beach hotels, Tours Sanya! Which want to have a car or urban attractions in the local newspaper group day trip will probably around $ 200 per person, so live last week at the beach, stroll the market every day, eat a variety of fruits and seafood, wash also bath! To a few good spots! Very nice holiday too! With the tour itinerary is very tight! Play this beauty. For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


Shouguang Wetland was Listed as China National Level

the provincial Housing Department issued "on the granting of China (Jinan) International Project 2010 Garden Expo and other Habitat Environment Award, Shandong notification", Shouguang 2A level tourist attractions riparian wetland Bangshangyouming.

Shouguang riparian China vacation wetland area of 71 square meters, Park Mi-flowing river system to rely on, while retaining the original style based on the terrain, with the approach of the original garden ponds, floodplain alterations, which built a 28 bridges, 36 islands and lotus pools Liu WIND rhyme, Autumn cloud water, reed area in the three major language butterfly, and was accompanied by 860 m of the boardwalk, planting famous places to visit in China a variety of different forms of aquatic plants, rendering of a long day of clear water, flowers of the natural picture. Riparian wetland area not only improved the ecological environment of Shouguang city, but also for Shouguang public recreation, entertainment, tourism provides a good place.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary


China International Anyang Forest Hill Paragliding

Closing ceremony, the staff read the Second China International Anyang Forest Hill Paragliding Open the filter and the Third Asian Paragliding Championship test event, the national skydiving championship, the first national tournament helicopter, model airplane enthusiasts nationwide in 2011 small group China tours Series (Anyang Station) and the Fifth "high security Cup" model airplane amateur Grand Prix total score. Attended the closing ceremony of the leadership to sponsor awards.

Air Travel section of this movement in our joint efforts, do have a grand, exciting, safe, smooth, specifications may be raised, the organization more standardized, exciting grand opening, order more orderly, clear leading role, first-class level, first-class pulled off the first-class event group tours to China services. From around the world nearly 600 athletes took part in competitions and performances, participate in air sports competitions for athletes, coaches, referees and match the size of a record high. There are hundreds of thousands of spectators watched the competitions and performances, dozens of Chinese and foreign media have reported this event in the international and domestic caused great repercussions. CPPCC vice chairman Zheng, Ninth, Tenth CPPCC National Committee Vice Chairman Zhang Siqing "China • Anyang - Air sports capital," the opening, marking the official airline sports capital settled in Anyang.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary