
Special Tour to Tianjin Samaranch Memorial Hall

The afternoon of July 19, Samaranch memorial construction cooperation agreement signing ceremony was held in Tianjin, Juan Antonio Samaranch, was officially China vacation settled in Tianjin Jinghai County Museum. Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo met with International Olympic Committee, the International Boxing Association President Wu Jingguo line of Mr. Wu Jingguo the support given to Tianjin to express my sincere thanks and attended the signing ceremony.

Huang Xingguo said Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch, the IOC has made outstanding career contributions to the Olympic Movement in China has given great support. In Mr. Wu Jingguo's active promotion, Juan Antonio Samaranch Memorial settled Jinghai, Tianjin sports and culture in the development of a famous places to visit in China major event. We will fully support high-level project planning, high-level construction, high level of operational management, to create a world-class museum. Wu Jingguo said that Mr. Samaranch has a deep affection for China, so we decided to set up his museum in Tianjin, China. I believe that with joint efforts, the museum will be able to build, manage and better promote the Olympic spirit and spread the Olympic culture, and to show the historical merits of Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch.

International Olympic Committee Honorary President Juan Antonio Samaranch, is following the "Olympic" Father Pierre de Coubertin, the longest after the International Olympic Committee President. His collection of precious items recorded history of the Olympic movement, with high research value and memorable. Jinghai County People's Government and Mr. Wu Jingguo after consultations, decided to cooperate in building Samaranch Museum. Memorial Hall covers an area of ​​about 50 acres, building area of ​​about 30,000 square meters. The project is responsible for the investment by the construction of Jinghai County, Mr. Wu Jingguo responsible for providing memorial exhibits, jointly responsible for the museum operation and management. Project will be April 21, 2013, Mr. Samaranch, officially opened the third anniversary of the death. By then, the memorial will be his life, Mr. Samaranch collection of books, souvenirs, collectibles, lifetime supplies of about 16,000 exhibits panoramic display.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary

