
Minority Discovery: Dazhou Red Army Park

Recently, the State Development and Reform Commission project on the Battle of War History Museum Wanyuan a full upgrade to create and build the famous "Red Army Park", a national tourism quality red, red key national tourism.
     It is reported that China tour travel Wanyuan Park will commemorate the Red Army "Wanyuan Battle" as the theme, the whole history of war to build Wanyuan Battle Mountain Park Museum and Wanyuan pack tourist resources, on the basis of the original 150 acres to expand to 1000 acres to build ten "red tourism" landscape project. New "Red Army Pavilion" a viewing tower, "the British Army unknown martyrs' monument to a" Red Road "statues one, more than 300 pieces of red stone monuments a slogan, a monument to the spirit of the Red Army, Red Army stopping the enemy trenches, bunkers and other tour of facilities, more than 300 Wanyuan Republic generals fought the "Red Army generals, monuments," "Red Army Park" door and landmarks; new revolutionary historical relics, the Red Army China packages conservation projects; new set of sound, light, electricity integration Wanyuan battle simulation shows a museum; the same time converted to urban areas, "Army Park" trunk highway 4.8 km cement; new scenic tour loop within the cement road 3.7 km and 4.6 km pedestrian trail tour.
     The project by the National Development and Reform Commission project, red tourism as a national key construction projects to implement the construction. The total investment is estimated at 27.67 million yuan, the construction period is expected to be 2 years. Park is completed, is expected to be 300,000 annual tourists.For more information, please shift to China Tour Itinerary

